Addictions Specialist + Spiritual Mentor |

Tamala Ridge is the Founder and Director of the Institute for Spiritual Companioning. She is an International Best-Selling Author, Addictions Specialist, Business and Spiritual Mentor.

Detoxification, spiritual connection, professional skill development and trauma informed practices are the pillars to Tamala’s work.

Her mission is to empower space holders to step into their leadership and create thriving businesses from their deep calling to be of service through healing any addictive thought patterns, emotions or substances that hold them back from financial abundance and wild success.

Alchemising past trauma into her own unique healing modality called Spiritual Companioning; Tamala supports therapists, light workers and coaches to become potent Professional Space Holding Practitioners with thriving businesses doing what they love.

After her own battle with addiction, and then a 10-year career as a Drug and Alcohol Counsellor, she has become a self-confessed #detoxjunkie who now gets high on the sobriety of her untainted soul.


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